Sunday, 4 July 2010

The English Church in Madeira

This is a picture of the entrance to the English Church in Funchal, Madeira, when we awere there in October 2007.

THis is how it looked on the inside.

After we left, we climbed a flight of steps to the road above, and found this wonderful view of the church and its surroundings, with the sea in the background.


Willy said...

Great travels and pictures

10-4 Willy

Unknown said...

Thansk Willy. Do you have a blog? If so, I couldn't get access.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Very pretty both inside and out. It has a modern yet quaint look about it. Very nice shots, Jean.

Writing Tip


Recognize an excellent book proposal or query letter will require a lot of hard work.

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